How Can Brands Use Pets In Visual Storytelling To Create Emotional Connections?
In this episode of the Visual Storytelling Today podcast, I chat with Mindy Dutka, Founder and Chief Storyteller of Dogs I Meet. At Dogs I meet, she helps businesses and animal rescue organizations tell their stories through compelling, captivating photography. We talked about her career journey, why pets are effective conveying messages, her visual storytelling process when working with brands, typical challenges, her top 3 tips for telling effective stories using pets and much more. For more information, and see illustrative examples of Mindy’s work, watch the
How Can Brands Use Pets In Visual Storytelling To Create Emotional Connections?
How Can Brands Use Pets In Visual…
How Can Brands Use Pets In Visual Storytelling To Create Emotional Connections?
In this episode of the Visual Storytelling Today podcast, I chat with Mindy Dutka, Founder and Chief Storyteller of Dogs I Meet. At Dogs I meet, she helps businesses and animal rescue organizations tell their stories through compelling, captivating photography. We talked about her career journey, why pets are effective conveying messages, her visual storytelling process when working with brands, typical challenges, her top 3 tips for telling effective stories using pets and much more. For more information, and see illustrative examples of Mindy’s work, watch the